Overview of Progent's Ransomware Forensics Analysis and Reporting Services in Beverly Hills
Ransomware Forensics Analysis ConsultantsProgent's ransomware forensics experts can capture the evidence of a ransomware assault and carry out a comprehensive forensics investigation without slowing down activity required for operational resumption and data recovery. Your Beverly Hills organization can use Progent's ransomware forensics report to counter subsequent ransomware attacks, assist in the restoration of lost data, and comply with insurance and governmental mandates.

Ransomware forensics analysis involves tracking and describing the ransomware assault's progress throughout the targeted network from start to finish. This audit trail of how a ransomware attack progressed within the network helps your IT staff to assess the damage and uncovers shortcomings in security policies or processes that should be corrected to avoid future break-ins. Forensics is commonly given a top priority by the cyber insurance provider and is often required by state and industry regulations. Since forensics can take time, it is vital that other key activities like business continuity are executed in parallel. Progent has a large roster of IT and security professionals with the knowledge and experience required to carry out the work of containment, operational resumption, and data recovery without disrupting forensics.

Ransomware forensics analysis is time consuming and calls for intimate interaction with the groups focused on data restoration and, if necessary, payment negotiation with the ransomware threat actor. forensics typically involve the review of all logs, registry, GPO, Active Directory (AD), DNS, routers, firewalls, scheduled tasks, and core Windows systems to check for variations.

Services involved with forensics investigation include:

  • Isolate but avoid shutting down all possibly suspect devices from the network. This can involve closing all Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) ports and Internet facing NAS storage, changing admin credentials and user PWs, and setting up two-factor authentication to protect backups.
  • Preserve forensically complete digital images of all suspect devices so your file restoration team can get started
  • Preserve firewall, VPN, and other critical logs as quickly as possible
  • Determine the kind of ransomware involved in the assault
  • Survey each computer and data store on the network as well as cloud storage for signs of encryption
  • Catalog all encrypted devices
  • Establish the kind of ransomware involved in the assault
  • Study logs and sessions in order to determine the timeline of the attack and to spot any potential lateral migration from the originally infected machine
  • Identify the attack vectors used to carry out the ransomware assault
  • Search for new executables associated with the original encrypted files or network compromise
  • Parse Outlook web archives
  • Examine attachments
  • Separate URLs embedded in messages and check to see if they are malware
  • Produce detailed incident reporting to satisfy your insurance and compliance requirements
  • List recommendations to close security gaps and improve processes that lower the exposure to a future ransomware breach
Progent's Background
Progent has delivered online and onsite IT services throughout the United States for more than two decades and has earned Microsoft's Gold Partner designation in the Datacenter and Cloud Productivity competencies. Progent's team of SMEs includes professionals who have been awarded high-level certifications in foundation technology platforms such as Cisco infrastructure, VMware, and major Linux distros. Progent's data security consultants have earned industry-recognized certifications such as CISA, CISSP, and CRISC. (See certifications earned by Progent consultants). Progent also offers top-tier support in financial and Enterprise Resource Planning software. This scope of expertise gives Progent the ability to identify and integrate the surviving pieces of your IT environment following a ransomware assault and reconstruct them quickly into an operational system. Progent has worked with top cyber insurance providers including Chubb to help businesses clean up after ransomware assaults.

Contact Progent about Ransomware Forensics Investigation Expertise in Beverly Hills
To find out more information about how Progent can help your Beverly Hills business with ransomware forensics analysis, call 1-800-462-8800 or see Contact Progent.

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