Consulting and Technical Support for RIM BlackBerry Environments
BlackBerry wireless smartphones from Research in Motion are among today's most successful solutions for maintaining location-independent connectivity to messaging, calendars, web programs, and other critical business data. As the sophistication of small company networks has expanded, and as the need for world-class protection, reliability, and recoverability has become the standard for companies of all sizes, effective integration and support of RIM BlackBerry technology has grown increasingly difficult. To address areas such as security, business continuity, and synchronization of BlackBerry smartphones with a variety of email systems and shared databases, small businesses frequently turn to external support professionals who offer expertise in RIM BlackBerry integration and maintenance.
Progent offers the services of BlackBerry-premier engineers who can help small organizations to design, administer, and repair BlackBerry solutions economically and efficiently, eliminating the need for an in-house BlackBerry solutions specialist and lowering the cost and hassle of maintaining wireless work groups. Progent's BlackBerry specialists have extensive experience cooperating with Progent's Microsoft-certified experts, Cisco CCIE network engineers, and CISA and GIAC-certified security specialists. This range of knowledge, coupled with Progent's proven online service delivery capabilities, gives small businesses an economical solution for incorporating BlackBerry technology productively into their information network.
Progent's experts can assist your company with SQL Server 2016 integration and development support, Microsoft SQL Server 2014 deployment and Exchange setup so that your database and messaging systems work optimally with BlackBerry Enterprise Server. Progent can also assist you to upgrade from older releases of BlackBerry and Microsoft software, set up streamlined management tools to enable you to track and administer BlackBerry devices throughout your business, recommend security policies that make sense for your company, customize wireless software, and ensure that your IT network infrastructure is properly designed to accommodate your BlackBerry clients. In addition, Progent's disaster recovery specialists can help make sure that your BlackBerry information is included in your scheduled backup procedures in order that it can be restored rapidly and thoroughly.
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Consulting and Technical Support
The BlackBerry BES Server offers companies a centralized and secure mechanism for integrating BlackBerry wireless devices into their email, collaboration, and software application environment. BlackBerry Enterprise Server allows wireless BlackBerry users to access Exchange Server, Lotus Domino, or Novell GroupWise messaging and to synchronize BlackBerry devices with PC desktops to ensure consistent information for collaborative programs like schedules, contact lists, to-do lists, notes, and custom business software. Due to BlackBerry Enterprise Server support for Exchange Server, mobile workers with BlackBerry smartphones can have push-based access to Exchange messages as well as IM-enabled applications via Microsoft Live Communications Server and Lync Server integration.
Progent's BlackBerry-certified consultants can assist you to plan, deploy, and support BlackBerry BES Server so that you optimize the productivity of BlackBerry clients, streamline the management of a BlackBerry solution, and reduce the expense of maintaining mobile workers.
How Progent's BlackBerry premier Experts Can Assist You to Maintain and Support Your BlackBerry Solution
Progent can provide an experienced engineer who has earned accreditations from RIM in all major aspects of BlackBerry technology. Progent's BlackBerry consulting skills span areas from resolving synchronization issues to designing wireless workforce solutions built around BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES). These RIM BlackBerry certifications and their respective skill sets include:
BlackBerry Certified Server Support Specialist
Progent's BlackBerry Certified Server Support Specialist has the skills required to install and troubleshoot the BlackBerry BES Server in a Microsoft Exchange Server environment. Progent's BlackBerry-certified expert can show you how to use tools such as BlackBerry Administration Service, the BlackBerry Technical Solution Center (BTSC), and BESMon to run critical tasks such as resolving enterprise activation problems, adding and removing BlackBerry device users, activating passwords, configuring over-the-air program installation and setup, implementing and troubleshooting the BlackBerry Smart Card Reader, and configuring database backup and restore processes.
Progent's BlackBerry consultants can also assist you to operate management software such as the BlackBerry Administration Service for role-based administration, troubleshooting attachment and data flow problems, and utilizing WiFi for activation. Also, Progent can explain the function of IT policies in the BlackBerry BES environment and help your company to define and install appropriate security options.
Progent's Microsoft-certified Microsoft Exchange Server consultants can work with Progent's BlackBerry Certified Server Support Specialist to help your company to optimize your current Microsoft Exchange infrastructure for working in conjunction with BlackBerry Enterprise Server or migrate your BlackBerry solution to the latest version of Microsoft Exchange Server.
BlackBerry Certified Solution Designer
Progent offers the support of a BlackBerry Certified Solution Designer to help your company to design, deploy, test, troubleshoot, and produce documentation for a mobile wireless environment built on the combination of the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution, Microsoft Exchange, and Microsoft Active Directory. Progent's high-level engineering services for BlackBerry technology include business and network requirements analysis, system design, deployment planning and execution, performance optimization, configuration of a high-availability environment, data backup and disaster recovery planning, and security infrastructure design.
Progent's BlackBerry Certified Solution Designer can work with you and your IT management staff to define your technical goals and to create a mobile wireless system that meets your IT budget and aligns with your business plans. Progent can explain the impact of your organizational processes on the configuration of a BlackBerry Enterprise Solution, assess your current connectivity infrastructure's ability to accommodate a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, help your organization to decide which administration approach and equipment match your requirements, and evaluate your messaging system configuration. Progent can also explain the performance implications that the BlackBerry BES Server, SQL SQL Server, and Microsoft Exchange Server have on each other so you can make informed choices about options for software versions, processors and storage, network topology, and application set up.
To maximize system protection, Progent's BlackBerry expert can assist you to choose and configure appropriate security options for the BlackBerry BES Server. Progent's BlackBerry Certified Solution Designer can also operate in conjunction with Progent's CISA and GIAC-premier security engineers to perform company-wide security vulnerability and compliance validation and suggest enhancements to accommodate your BlackBerry solution.
Call or Email Progent to Get Support from a RIM BlackBerry-Qualified Specialist
To contact Progent about technical support for BlackBerry wireless technology, call