Expanding your remote workforce may have a significant effect on network architecture, cybersecurity, and company workflows. Progent has two decades of experience assisting businesses of all sizes to design, configure, manage, optimize, and troubleshoot IT environments that support work-from-home employees. Progent can assist your Charleston organization to pick the right tools and follow best practices in creating and operating a safe virtual office ecosystem for teleworkers that promotes teamwork and returns top business value. Progent offers support services that go from as-needed guidance for getting you past challenging technical roadblocks to comprehensive project management or co-management to help you carry out mission-critical initiatives.

Progent can assist Charleston, South Carolina companies to with any facet of building a high-performing work-at-home environment by delivering infrastructure configuration services, IP voice troubleshooting, voice/video conferencing integration, collaboration platform customization and training, cloud integration, helpdesk services, data security, data protection solutions, and unified management.

Data Protection Solutions for Teleworkers
Data Protection covers saving and restoring vital information so as to avoid data loss and reduce recovery time in the event of storage system problems due to hardware issues, programming hiccups, operator mistakes, malware, or any other reason. Reliable data protection solutions can be especially difficult to design and manage in hybrid environments that combine in-house data centers, public clouds, and an at-home workforce.

  • Backup/Restore solutions for at-home workers must cover diverse kinds of user-owned endpoints. Progent offers fast online help from experts knowledgeable about a wide array of products for backing up Windows, Apple Mac and Linux/UNIX servers and desktop computers as well as notebooks, iPads and handhelds. Leading backup/recovery solutions maintained by Progent's backup/recovery experts include Barracuda Backup, Microsoft Azure Backup, DoubleTake Software, CrashPlan, Mozy, and Time Machine. To protect resources spread throughout a hybrid network, Progent can provide ProSight Data Protection Services, a managed backup/recovery subscription service that uses cloud storage and includes granular recovery and centralized management.
  • Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity (DR/BC) strategies commonly envision circumstances that call for a rapid changeover to an at-home workforce. Progent's expert disaster recovery planning consultants and business continuity consultants can assist you to develop, document and validate a DR/BC plan that includes the logistics of moving to telecommuting.

Contact Progent for Remote Workforce Expertise
To contact Progent about creating and maintaining an efficient telecommuter solution for your Charleston, South Carolina company, call 1-800-993-9400 or visit Contact Progent.