Additional Topics of Interest

Spora ransomware recovery Consulting
NotPetya ransomware recovery Specialists

Progent's ransomware experts can help you to evaluate your ransomware defenses, monitor and protect your IT environment, assist with settlement negotiations with a hacker, and rebuild an information system damaged by a ransomware variant like Ryuk, Maze, Sodinokibi, Netwalker, Snatch or Egregor.

Open Now SentinelOne Endpoint Detection and Response Consulting Services
Best SentinelOne XDR Consultant

Progent is a reseller and integrator for SentinelOne's Singularity product family, a subscription-based, cloud-first threat management solution that incorporates machine learning technology and expert services to provide comprehensive endpoint detection and response (EDR).

Microsoft Entra Consultants
Programming Firms Microsoft Azure Active Directory

Progent's consultants can assist you to design and carry out a smooth move from onsite Active Directory to cloud-hosted Microsoft Entra ID (formerly called Azure Actve Directory) or to a hybrid system that deploys Microsoft Entra Domain Services and Microsoft Entra Connect to unify identity and access services for both onsite and cloud resources.

BackupAssist Consultant Services
Time Machine Backup Consulting Services

Progent offers economical remote support from engineers skilled in a broad array of utilities and technologies that provide solutions for backing up Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac, and Linux/UNIX physical and virtual servers and desktops as well as notebooks and handhelds. Progent offers help for leading data protection platforms such as Acronis Backup and Recovery, Barracuda Backup, Altaro VM Backup, Symantec Backup Exec, BackupAssist Software, HP Data Protector, Double-Take Software, MozyPro, Retrospect for Macintosh, Apple Time Machine, vSphere Data Protection, and Solaris FLARs. Progent's consultants can assist your company to design, upgrade, or maintain backup/restore systems for a variety of environments such as on-premises, remote, cloud-based, or a mix.

24/7/365 Colbolt Linux Consulting
CentOS Linux Online Consulting

Progent's Linux consulting services provide small and mid-size companies and software developers help with administering and supporting Linux systems that run with Microsoft-powered technology. Progent can give your business contact with Linux consultants, support professionals certified by Microsoft and Cisco, and security experts with CISSP credentials. This broad array of experience offers you an easy single consulting firm to help you create and maintain a protected and reliable mixed-platform network and communications environment that allows Linux and Microsoft interoperability by integrating Microsoft Windows with major Linux variations such as RedHat, SUSE, CentOS, Ubuntu, PCLOS, fedora Linux, Gentoo Linux, Mandriva Linux, Debian-GNU, and Slackware Linux.

Integration Cisco ASA 5500 Firewall Upgrade
ASA 5520 Firewall Setup and Support

Progent's Cisco certified networking consultants can assist your organization to maintain older PIX 500 or ASA 5500 firewalls or migrate to Cisco ASA 5500-X firewalls. Progent can also help you to set up, administer, upgrade and debug Cisco ASA 5500-X firewalls with Firepower Services.

Security Evaluation NodeZero Certified Cybersecurity Penetration Testing
Top Rated NodeZero Certified Security Penetration Testing Compliance Audit

Progent's certified cybersecurity consultants can perform NodeZero-powered PEN tests to make sure your security monitoring and protection tools and policies are correctly set up and effective.

Best Microsoft LCS Server Instant Messaging On-site Support
Microsoft LCS Server Consultant

Microsoft Communications Server delivers IM and Real Presence in a scalable, world-class package featuring enhanced security, transparent integration with popular Microsoft products, an expandable, industry-standard development platform, and support for regulatory requirements such as HIPAA, SOX, and GLB. Your enterprise can realize lower costs and elevated business efficiencies, enhanced worker productivity, and better IP protection with this easy-to-administer, highly available solution. Successful deployments of Office Communications Server call for extensive planning and consideration before roll out. Progent's Microsoft-certified professionals can deliver the skill needed to realize all the advantages of Microsoft Office Communications Server throughout your whole corporation.

SonicWall VPN Security Audit Services
24/7 SonicWall NSA 4650 Firewall Cybersecurity Consultancies

Progent's certified SonicWall firewall consultants can help you configure, maintain, and troubleshoot SonicWall firewall devices including the newer SonicWall TZ and NSa Series of firewalls and the older SonicWall PRO 1260 Secure Switch devices. Progent's CISSP and CISA-certified network security consultants can show you how to incorporate SonicWall security gateways into an end-to-end security plan and build protection into your corporate practices.

Mac Wi-Fi Information Technology Consulting
Mac Network Consult

Progent's Apple Mac support engineers can assist you with a wide range of system infrastructure issues such as network architecture, remote and mobile connectivity, internetwork compatibility, security, and new technologies including VoIP and high-speed wireless networking. For company networks based exclusively on Mac OS X or for systems incorporating a mix of Mac, Linux/UNIX and Windows based servers and desktops, Progent has the experience and size to deal with the challenge of designing, integrating, and maintaining a system infrastructure that is robust, secure, efficient and aligned with your business objectives. Progent can show you how to deploy Apple's Xserve enterprise servers, Xserve RAID non-stop storage products, and Xsan SAN systems. Progent can also provide certified professionals to support Cisco routers and switches.