Additional Topics of Interest

Consultants MFA and Single Sign-on (SSO)
Multi-factor Authentication IT Services

Progent's Duo managed services utilize Cisco's Duo cloud technology to protect against stolen passwords through the use of two-factor authentication. Duo enables single-tap identity confirmation on iOS, Android, and other personal devices.

Dell DRAC Consultant Services
Aten IP9001 Technology Professional

Remote management cards give IT managers full control of a server without the requirement for a personal presence. Using these management cards, all console screen information plus keyboard and mouse operations are exported to an off-site session to an IT expert who can be situated anywhere in the world. Progent's Microsoft and Cisco certified consultants can assist you to plan, deploy, and support a high-availability business network that includes remote management cards and Progent can utilize these remote server management cards to deliver low-cost off-site technical support. Progent is familiar with a variety of remote management cards such as Aten IP9001 remote management cards, American Megatrends MegaRAC remote server management cards, Dell DRAC cards, HP Lights-Out remote server management cards, and Peppercon eRIC remote management cards.

Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Solution Provider
Urgent GIAC Web Application Security (GWAS) Solutions Provider

Progent provides clients the services of engineers who have earned some of the computer industry's most prized certifications. Progent thinks that clients have the right to be sure that their computer service professionals have formal training as well as extensive practical backgrounds so that Progent's clients can engage Progent's support with trust. Often, vendor certifications such as the Cisco Certified Internetwork Experts brings priority for substantially better vendor assistance than is offered to uncertified service providers, allowing Progent to offer clients a better level of IT support. In other cases, major credentials such as CISM or CISSP for IT security can aid enterprise clients to show compliance with regulatory demands by using the services of recognized IT experts.

Best Altaro VM Backup Inline Deduplication Engineer
Top Quality Altaro VM Backup Verification Remote Support

Altaro VM Backup from Hornetsecurity offers small organizations a reliable and budget-friendly platform for backing up and recovering Microsoft Hyper-V and VMware-based virtual machines. Altaro VM Backup can be used for local, remote, distributed, and cloud environments and also supports low-cost backup to Azure Block Blob storage. Altaro VM Backup defends against ransomware attacks via Immutable Cloud Storage. This produces tamper-proof backup data that cannot be erased or modified by anyone including administrators or root users. Progent is a certified Hornetsecurity/Altaro partner and offers a wide range of online or on-premises consulting services to help you to design, install, manage and troubleshoot a modern backup/restore solution based on Altaro VM Backup. With ProSight Data Protection Services Altaro VM Backup, Progent offers a managed backup/restore service powered by on Altaro VM Backup software.

Windows 11 Upgrade Consulting Services
Windows 11 MDT Technology Professional

Progent's Windows 11 consultants can provide an array of services to support Windows 11 including Microsoft 365 solutions, mobile management, telecommuter connectivity, security and compliance, automated provisioning, and Help Desk services.

Professional ProSight Email Directory Harvest Protection
Top Quality Consultant Services Cloud Protection for Email

Progent's ProSight Email Guard uses the technology of leading information security companies to deliver web-based control and comprehensive security for all your email traffic. The powerful structure of Email Guard integrates cloud-based filtering with an on-premises security gateway appliance to offer advanced defense against spam, viruses, Dos Attacks, DHAs, and other email-borne threats. The Cloud Protection Layer serves as a preliminary barricade and blocks the vast majority of unwanted email from making it to your security perimeter. This decreases your exposure to external attacks and saves network bandwidth and storage. ProSight Email Guard's onsite gateway appliance adds a further layer of inspection for inbound email. For outgoing email, the local security gateway offers anti-virus and anti-spam filtering, protection against data leaks, and encryption. The local gateway can also help Exchange Server to monitor and safeguard internal email traffic that originates and ends inside your corporate firewall.

24-7 Communications device patch management Consultants
iPhone patch management Technology Professional

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Top Rated ProSight Reporting Remote Network Infrastructure Management Online Technical Support
Integration Services ProSight Reporting Auvik Network Managemrnt

ProSight Reporting is an expanding line of in-depth reporting plug-ins created to work with the top ticketing and remote network monitoring applications including ConnectWise Manage, ConnectWise Automate, Customer Thermometer, Auvik, and SentinelOne.

24x7 Palo Alto Networks PA-5200 Series Firewalls Technology Consulting Services
Palo Alto Networks VPN Consulting

Progent's Palo Alto Networks firewall consultants can help you choose, configure, and manage Palo Alto Networks firewalls to create a next-generation security solution that extends across your data center and cloud-based assets and guards any user at any location with any endpoint device.

Developing Phase: Pilots Small Business IT Outsourcing Company
Server Help Envisioning Phase: Requirements Definition

In conducting consulting tasks for enterprise clients, Progent follows a phased approach driven by defined milestones in order to achieve financial, scheduling and engineering targets while minimizing productivity disruption. Progent's Enterprise Services Methodology utilizes industry project management standards based on the leading practices described by the Microsoft MSF methodology which specifies requirements definition, architecture recommendations, pilots, design tuning, and professional deployment. All phases are documented to provide a comprehensive description of IT services performed and to assist in ongoing network support.