Progent's Consulting, Help Desk, and Ticketing for IT Service Organizations in Hartford
Progent's consulting support for network service organizations in Hartford Connecticut enables you to provide your customers Progent's consulting and Help Desk support under your own branding as a transparent supplement to your in-house network services team. This can put you on the fast track to grow your client base, close gaps in your service portfolio, satisfy your customers, and increase your profits.
Progent's nationwide team of network experts, PC integration and troubleshooting specialists, IT admins, and cybersecurity consultants have worked as transparent adjuncts to the IT staffs of some of the world's largest IT support firms. Progent's breadth and depth of technical knowledge enables you to broaden the capabilities of your IT support practice, and Progent's close integration with your support team helps you strengthen and protect your company's brand.
Progent is an IT consulting company with two decades of experience providing online expertise to small and mid-size businesses. Progent is a Microsoft Partner and has one of the biggest groups of Cisco CCIE network experts of any private computer services company in the world. Progent has delivered online IT assistance and advanced consulting to clients in every state in the U.S. (See testimonials from Progent's clients.)
Reselling Progent's Services Under Your Branding
Progent's reseller program for network service organizations offers seamless resale to your customers of professional IT services. Progent invoices you directly and performs under your instructions to provide your clients consulting and support services under your brand. In addition, Progent has a low-cost Off-hours Support Service for customers who require access to 24x7 technical support.
Help Desk and Ticketing Services for IT Service Organizations
Ticketing is the heart of an efficient service desk. But full-featured ticketing platforms are not only costly to license and staff, but difficult to set up and maintain. Smaller IT support firms seldom have the required budget or personnel. Progent's Call Center and ticketing solution gives IT service firms an affordable way to keep their custom branding while providing their customers responsive desktop support services backed by a best-of-breed ticketing system and reinforced by fast escalation to top-tier experts.
Features of Progent's Help Desk Call Center and Ticketing Solution for IT Service Firms
Progent's Help Desk and ticketing solution for IT service firms takes advantage of Progent's investments in highly scalable ticketing software, a remote desktop support staff, and a group of geographically distributed subject matter experts. You can utilize Progent's ticketing system exclusively or Progent can establish data interchange with your current ticketing platform. The features offered with Progent's Help Desk and ticketing services allow your IT service firm to expand your physical and virtual support volume, the diversity of technologies your company can handle, the number of geographies you can service, and your overall availability.
Important features of Progent's Help Desk and ticketing solution for IT support firms include:
Progent's Consulting for Network Service Organizations
Progent's consulting for network service providers allows you to act as a sole source for virtually all technical guidance and troubleshooting your clients may need. You can build your staff and core IT skills at your own pace without having to turn down new business due to a lack of expertise or the absence of bandwidth.
Key aspects of Progent's Reseller Program for Network Service Providers include:
Progent's Areas of Expertise for Hartford, Connecticut Organizations
Progent's veteran team of certified engineers offers Hartford, Connecticut companies a broad range of online technical guidance and debugging expertise. Areas of expertise offered under Progent's consulting program for IT service firms include:
Find Out More Details About Progent's Consulting Support for IT Service Providers in Hartford, Connecticut To learn additional details about Progent's consulting support for IT service firms in Hartford, Connecticut, call 1-800-993-9400 or see Contact Progent.