Why Outsource Your Network Consulting and Support?
Whether it involves planning network infrastructure, outsourcing a Help Desk, deploying out an upgraded messaging system, creating an on-line business solution, or other complex projects, using outsourcing for your IT support is a smart way to reduce costs, administrative distraction, and engineering risks while permitting IT support expenses to increase in a more linear and predictable fashion than is feasible by hiring a big, expert internal IT staff.
Progent has produced a white paper that summarizes the advantages businesses of all sizes can derive from outsourcing or co-sourcing network consulting and other IT services. To open a print-formatted PDF version of this document and learn how outsourcing can save your costs and improve productivity, click:
IT Outsourcing White Paper (PDF - 135 KB)
Full-service IT Outsourcing for Small and Mid-size Businesses
Progent is structured to deliver advanced online expertise for all popular technologies used in modern small and mid-size business systems. Progent's outsourced services include a part-time CIO to enhance the business value of your IT network, Call Desk support, 24-hour online network monitoring, ransomware defense and restoration plus a 24x7 Ransomware Hot Line, Wi-Fi onsite and predictive site surveys and configuration, cloud migration, network infrastructure planning, project management or co-management for major initiatives such as OS upgrades, penetration testing to affirm compliance with cybersecurity mandates, disaster recovery/business continuity preparedness, work-at-home integration, and fast software development to create or enhance line-of-business applications or utilities.
Since Progent offers most IT services remotely, Progent can in effect be your virtual IT team, eliminating the overhead of recruiting and maintaining an in-house IT support group without sacrificing the effectiveness and cohesion of an internal staff of IT professionals. This leveraging of your IT budget is amplified by the extra cost savings you get by building an up-to-date IT network that is secure, resilient, simple to manage and expand, and designed to meet the unique requirements of your business.
To see a datasheet summarizing the advantages of Progent's IT outsourcing services for small and mid-size vusinesses, click:
Progent's IT Outsourcing Services: Features and Benefits (PDF - 216 KB)