Exchange Online is one of Microsoft's cloud-hosted applications included in the Microsoft 365 family supported by Azure. Exchange Online provides the benefits of lower spending for physical infrastructure, simplified administration, dynamic scale, high-availability, plus other advantages inherent with public clouds vs. on-premises datacenters. Microsoft has designed Exchange Online to operate seamlessly with on-premises implementations of Exchange Server, enabling you to create hybrid information systems. Hybrid environments include local servers and storage with cloud products and services to create a cohesive network.
Common motives for integrating on-premises Exchange installations with Microsoft 365 Exchange Online include compliance with regulatory standards or business restrictions that prevent specific types of mailboxes from being located off premises, throughput requirements related to server virtualization or cloud latency, the need for more management control, the ability to accommodate certain non-standard or outdated environments, company culture, or recovery plans. In addition, hybrid systems are commonly implemented for moving safely from an on-premises to a Microsoft 365 Exchange Online cloud-based environment.
If you need a temporary hybrid Microsoft 365 Exchange Online implementation on the way to a full move to Azure or you intend to build a robust hybrid network model, Progent's Microsoft-certified consulting team can help you with every facet of planning, integrating, managing, and troubleshooting your hybrid system. Progent's Exchange experts offer as-needed assistance to guide you through challenging technical issues and also offer end-to-end project management outsourcing to ensure your hybrid Microsoft 365 Exchange Online implementation is completed on time and on budget.
Progent's Exchange specialists have extensive experience working with the Microsoft 365 technical support personnel to resolve complicated technical problems and Progent offers as-needed expertise to help you to manage and enhance your hybrid Exchange Online ecosystem as your requirements evolve. Progent has 20 years of background delivering companies of all sizes high-level consulting support remotely, and Progent can also provide onsite support in major metropolitan areas throughout the U.S. (See Progent's client testimonials.)
Hybrid Integration Services for Exchange Online
A hybrid implementation of Microsoft 365 Exchange Online and on-premises Exchange supports a mix of local and cloud-hosted mailboxes and brings other key capabilities including:
Microsoft 365 Exchange Online can be deployed under a variety of hybrid architectures. Judicious analysis with Progent's solution design consultants can save considerable effort and expense, since re-architecting a poorly conceived implementation can be complex and distracting. Creating an optimal hybrid Exchange Online solution can be challenging. The complexity depends on the design of your existing email environment and the features you want to have. Major tasks are:
Microsoft offers an assortment of utilities to assist you to streamline many of the steps needed to create a hybrid environment for Microsoft 365 Exchange Online. These utilities include the Hybrid Configuration Wizard, PowerShell, the Exchange admin center, the Microsoft 365 Deployment Readiness Toolkit, and the IdFix utility. Realistically, many parts of configuring a hybrid Microsoft 365 Exchange Online deployment are subject to technical hiccups. Progent's Microsoft-certified consultants have worked extensively with problems associated with designing and rolling out hybrid Microsoft 365 Exchange Online projects and can help you follow best practices to avoid common issues, resolve them quickly, and shield your clients from service disruptions.
How Progent Can Assist You to Integrate Microsoft 365 Exchange Online with Your On-premises Resources
Progent can help you in every step of migrating to Microsoft Microsoft 365 and combining your local Exchange system with cloud-hosted Exchange. Progent can assist you to define your strategic objectives, assess the suitability of your current infrastructure, plan the architecture for a hybrid environment, devise an implementation plan, configure and verify a pilot system, configure your hybrid system, centralize administrative functions, tune performance, manage licenses, provide consulting for disaster recovery plans, validate security compliance, and deliver training for your IT staff and users. Progent offers affordable remote consulting services to help you to resolve stubborn problems, or Progent can provide end-to-end project management outsourcing services to help you complete your hybrid integration of Microsoft 365 Exchange Online on schedule and on budget.
In addition to Microsoft 365 Exchange Online, Microsoft offers other applications that are part of the Microsoft 365 product line. Included among these are Microsoft Teams, Skype for Business Online, SharePoint Online, and Project Online. These applications can be integrated with one another in cloud-centric or hybrid implementations. Progent's Microsoft-certified Microsoft 365 integration experts can help you to create hybrid solutions that incorporate Microsoft 365 packages and local resources by delivering advanced services such as Windows Server consulting, Exchange integration, Microsoft Teams migration support, Skype for Business management and troubleshooting, SQL Server integration and application development, SharePoint planning and development, Microsoft 365 integration and user training, Microsoft Project expertise, and Dynamics GP maintenance.
To help you to manage your hybrid network, Progent offers System Center 2016 consulting services, System Center Data Protection Manager (SCDPM) consulting, SCOM consulting, Configuration Manager consulting, Virtual Machine Manager hybrid cloud management expertise,
Common samples of online and onsite consulting services provided by Progent to help organizations to integrate Exchange Online with on-premises Exchange environments include:
Other Cloud Integration Solutions from Progent
The options offered for public cloud services are increasing rapidly, making it a serious challenge for information system managers to select the right cloud solution for their business. Progent has in-depth experience assisting businesses of all sizes to plan, deploy, and manage hybrid environments that integrate various cloud products and services from leading public cloud providers. Progent's cloud integration experts can help you to assess the relative benefits and pitfalls of competing public cloud offerings and can help you create a cloud-based or hybrid network that provides maximum competitive value.
Public cloud products and services supported by Progent include:
Progent's Azure cloud planning and integration consultants can help you with any phase of Microsoft Azure migration including needs analysis, prerequisites assessment, solution architecture, pilot testing, deployment, centralized administration, performance tuning, license management, disaster recovery preparedness, security policy enforcement, and regulatory compliance validation. Progent can help you to set up and debug firewall appliances and VPN connections so your clients can securely access to Azure services, and Progent's Microsoft-certified consulting experts can help you integrate key Microsoft platforms to work in the cloud including Windows Server, Exchange, SQL and SharePoint. Progent can also help your organization to create a hybrid environment that seamlessly integrates on-premises datacenters with Azure-based services.
Progent's certified Microsoft Office and Microsoft 365 experts can assist businesses of any size to incorporate Microsoft Office desktop and Microsoft 365 apps such as Office Excel, Office Word, PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Access, Visio and Publisher into a cohesive solution that provides quick ROI and promotes improved business results. Progent can assist your company to integrate Microsoft Office or Microsoft 365 apps with one another and with other core Microsoft technologies including SharePoint Server, Exchange Server and Microsoft SQL Server running on-premises or hosted in the cloud. Progent's consultants can also assist you to fix compatibility issues between different versions of Microsoft Office and can provide live online Office and Microsoft 365 instruction to individual users and teams.
Progent's Amazon AWS integration consultants can provide cost-effective online support to assist companies of any size to integrate Amazon AWS cloud services such as Amazon EC2 for virtual server hosting, Amazon S3 for scalable high-performance storage, and Amazon Glacier for value-priced long-term archiving. Progent can assist your IT team with every phase of Amazon AWS integration including needs analysis, preparedness evaluation, architectural design, pilot testing, deployment, administration, performance tuning, software license management, disaster recovery solutions, and security. Progent can provide advanced expertise with firewalls and VPN connections and can show you how to deploy all-cloud or hybrid networking models that seamlessly integrate Amazon AWS cloud services. Progent can provide occasional consulting or Progent can provide comprehensive project management outsourcing services to help you move efficiently to the Amazon AWS cloud platform.
Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) is a collection of APIs that enables Amazon sellers to streamline their business processes by automating key sales activities such as listings, orders, shipments, inbound and outbound fulfillment, and reports. By leveraging Amazon's extensive online ecosystem and automating their sales processes, merchants can broaden their market, reduce their operating costs, accelerate reaction time to customers, and increase their bottom line. Progent's Amazon Marketplace Web Service developers can work with your development staff and provide application programming, workflow integration, project management support, and mentoring so you can cut development time and expedite your ROI.
Progent's Google Cloud Platform integration experts offer affordable remote and on-premises support to assist organizations of any size to move any portion of their core IT infrastructure to Google Cloud Platform services. This can save management hassle and equipment expense and enable the use of Google's cutting edge AI and machine learning tools. Progent can help your IT team with every aspect of Google Cloud Platform migration and troubleshooting including needs analysis, preparedness assessment, architectural design, pilot testing, configuration, centralized administration, performance tuning, licensing management, backup/restore solutions, and security strategies.