Progent has produced a white paper that explains the benefits companies of all sizes can derive from outsourcing or co-sourcing network support and other information technology services. To view a printable PDF version of this document and find out how outsourcing can lower your costs and improve efficiency, click:
IT Outsourcing and Co-sourcing White Paper (PDF - 135 KB)
Full-service IT Outsourcing for Small and Mid-size Businesses
Progent is organized to deliver in-depth online support for all major IT products utilized in modern small business networks. Progent's outsourced support services include a part-time Chief Information Officer to enhance the business value of your network, Call Desk support, 24x7 online network management, ransomware defense and recovery plus a 24x7 Ransomware Hot Line, Wi-Fi onsite and online site surveys and deployment, cloud migration, network infrastructure design, project management or co-management for initiatives like OS upgrades, penetration testing to check compliance with data protection requirements, disaster recovery/business continuity planning, work-at-home integration, and fast software programming to create or enhance mission-critical applications.
Because Progent offers most IT services remotely, Progent can in effect be your virtual IT team, eliminating the expense of hiring and supporting an in-house IT support group without sacrificing the effectiveness and continuity of a full-time staff of IT experts. This leveraging of your IT budget is amplified by the extra cost savings you get by creating a modern information network that is protected, resilient, simple to manage and expand, and designed to fulfill the special demands of your organization.
To see a datasheet summarizing the advantages of Progent's IT outsourcing services for small and mid-size vusinesses, click:
Progent's IT Outsourcing Services: Features and Benefits (PDF - 216 KB)