Progent Called in to Help Malheur County Fend Off Online Cyber Attack
Fast action by the Director of Information Services for The Malheur County computer system in Vale, Oregon, thwarted a cyber attack that could have cost a hefty ransom and disrupted a coming election. Read this article from The Malheur Enterprise newspaper and see how Progent's cybersecurity experts were called in to help stop the breach, clean up the network, perform a forensic analysis, and beef up online security for Malheur County.
The Malheur Enterprise is a newspaper founded in 1909 and based in Vale, Oregon.
To read the Malheur Enterprise article covering this event, click:
Malheur Enterprise Newspaper Describes Fight Against Cyber Attack. (PDF - 954 KB)
Progent's Cybersecurity Expert Darrin Johnson Talks to The Oregonian Newspaper about the Growing Ransomware Threat
Ransomware represents a growing threat to vital U.S. industries, private companies, and public agencies. The Oregonian newspaper of Portland, Oregon, talked to Progent's cybersecurity expert Darrin Johnson about the dangers ransomware poses to companies of any size and explains why it is so difficult to stop the bad actors even after they have been identified.
The Oregonian is a daily newspaper based in Portland, Oregon, and has published daily since 1861. It is the oldest continuously published newspaper on the U.S. West Coast and is a prime source of news for the Pacific Northwest.
To read an interview with Progent's cybersecurity consultant Darrin Johnson about the growing threat of ransomware, click:
Progent's Darrin Johnson talks to The Oregonian newspaper about the accelerating threat of ransomware. (PDF - 738 KB)
Ransomware expert Darrin Johnson tells CBS19 News Who's Vulnerable to Cyber Hacks
The cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline is the most significant hack on U.S. energy infrastructure in years. "If you're worried about ransomware, you should be. It doesn't matter how secure your organization is. If somebody wants in there and they're good enough, they're going to get in there," said Darrin Johnson, a Cyber Security Expert from Progent, California.
CBS19 News is a CBS affiliate television station in Charlottesville, Virginia.
To read the complete article, click Who's vulnerable to cyber hacks.
Progent's Chris Pragash AI Expert and Darrin Johnson Cybersecurity Expert Talk to WBNS 10 about AI-generated Exploitation of Children
There is an urgent race underway to get ahead of a new problem of artificial intelligence being used to create "deep fakes" to exploit children.
WBNS 10 is a CBS affiliate television station in Columbus, Ohio.
Read State officials urge Congress to combat AI-generated exploitation of children.
Progent's Experts Tony Ciangiarulo and Darrin Johnson Talk to WGBA 26 about How Businesses Can Prevent Cyberattacks
Cyberattacks are becoming more common and more difficult to prevent. They are also happening to businesses big and small. Read these tips from Progent cybersecurity experts to find out how to block cyber threats before they disrupt your business.
WGBA 26 is an NBC affiliate television station in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
See Tips from the experts to prevent cyber attacks.
Cybersecurity Expert Darrin Johnson tells CBS19 News Why It's Hard to Prosecute Hackers
Progent's cybersecurity and ransomware expert Darrin Johnson explains why it's so difficult to prosecute hackers, and why in some cases paying the ransom is the only way to get files and valuable information back.
CBS19 News is a CBS affiliate television station in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Read Why it's hard to prosecute hackers.
Progent's Media Contact
If you are a member of the media and want to talk to Progent's media contact for cybersecurity, please get in touch with Darrin Johnson:
Contact Progent for Ransomware Recovery Services
For ransomware recovery services, call Progent at