Additional Topics of Interest

Windows 11 Training Network Consultant
Professional Windows 11 Upgrade

Progent's Windows 11 consultants can provide a variety of services to support Windows 11 such as Microsoft 365 solutions, mobile management, at-home workforce access, data and identity security, automated provisioning, and Call Center services.

DotNET Contract Programmer
Developer Firms .NET C++

Progent's software developers have worked for two decades with .NET technologies and the Visual Studio development environment and are able to create or enhance .NET apps quickly and at low cost.

BSD Technician
Network System Support Consultant OpenBSD

Progent's UNIX family support services offer small businesses and developers assistance with administering and supporting UNIX, Linux or Solaris environments that coexist with Microsoft-powered technology. Progent offers your organization access to UNIX consultants, consulting professionals certified by Microsoft and Cisco, and security experts with CISSP certification. This broad array of expertise offers you a convenient one-stop source to help you create and maintain a secure and reliable mixed-platform network and communications infrastructure that supports UNIX and Microsoft coexistence by combining Windows with popular versions of UNIX including Apple macOS and OS X, Sun Solaris, AIX, HP-UX (Hewlett Packard UNIX), BSD, SCO UNIX and SGI/Irix or major Linux platforms including RedHat Linux, SuSE, Debian GNU/Linux and Mandrake.

Technology Professional DopplePaymer ransomware recovery
ransomware removal and recovery Consultant

Progent's ransomware consultants can assist you to evaluate your ransomware vulnerability, monitor and guard your network, assist with negotiating a settlement with a hacker, and rebuild a network damaged by a ransomware variant like Ryuk, Maze, Sodinokibi, Netwalker, Conti or Egregor.

24 Hour Server patch management Consulting Services
Android patch management Consultancy

Progent's managed services for software/firmware update management provide organizations of any size a flexible and affordable solution for evaluating, validating, scheduling, implementing, and documenting updates to your servers, peripherals {like scanners, infrastructure appliances such as routers and wireless APs, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices like sensors and health monitors.

24 Hour Juniper Junos CLI Network Consulting
Juniper Junos Management Cybersecurity Firms

Progent's Juniper-certified network engineers can help you utilize Junos OS and the Junos platform of network management applications to configure, administer, and monitor Junos-powered devices; migrate to the Junos OS operating system from other Juniper software platforms such as ScreenOS; and upgrade your Juniper routers, switches, and gateways to the latest version of Junos OS.

Security Consultancy Juniper SSG350M Router
Firewall Configuration Juniper SSG320M Router

Progent's Juniper-certified consultants can help your business plan the deployment of Juniper SSG integrated firewall/VPN products, configure security policies to match your operational requirements, set up network OS software to streamline management processes, migrate from legacy Juniper products, and troubleshoot infrastructure issues.

Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010 Upgrade Professional
Specialists Exchange 2010 Upgrade

Progent's Microsoft-certified consulting engineers can assist you to determine the benefits of Exchange 2010 for your business and can assist you to design and carry out an efficient upgrade to Microsoft Exchange 2010 from Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 or Microsoft Exchange 2007 that will offer fast payback by increasing your productivity, lowering the cost of equipment and support, simplifying management, and integrating your key communications technologies.

Specialist RDBMS
Database Development Consultancy

Progent's Microsoft-certified database application developers can provide businesses of any size online DBA and programming services for popular database products such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft Access. Support services available from Progent include installation and integration, application design and coding, administration support, replication and synchronization strategies, capacity planning, tuning, data migration, security and compliance, backup/restore options, problem solving, and webinar training.