Microsoft Small Business Specialists Most small businesses lack the budgets and/or confidence to commit to long-term service contracts available from traditional IT outsourcing firms accustomed to working with enterprise clients. For IT help, small companies often resort to freelance consultants or small local support companies and take their chances on inconsistent response and technical blind spots. A common complaint is that the outside expert is "learning on my dime." Major product vendors have addressed the long-underserved small business IT outsourcing market with Cloud solutions, but their by-the-numbers approach and restrictions on custom solutions require a degree of technological standardization rarely found in small businesses networks. In both cases, when tough problems crop up, support costs skyrocket while worker productivity plummets. Progent's approach to IT outsourcing and co-sourcing solutions that have proven to work effectively and affordably for businesses of all sizes.

Microsoft PartnerCisco CCIE Network EngineersFor more than two decades, Progent has specialized in providing enterprise-class network support to customers with small-company IT budgets. Progent has developed a unique support delivery system that includes a low-overhead but tightly connected virtual office infrastructure, sophisticated remote troubleshooting technology, a large pool of engineers with professional industry certifications from the major technology vendors and security organizations, a Help Desk service model that maximizes responsiveness and ensures follow-through, a worldwide team of on-line support professionals, on-site service availability in major U.S. metropolitan areas, and a company culture focused on solving technical problems in the shortest time and at the least cost to customers. All this has helped make Progent one of the fastest growing independent network support firms in the United States (see Progent's customer testimonials).

VMware ConsultingCISA-certified System AuditorsBy delivering professional know-how when you need it, providing in-depth expertise for critical business applications, offering innovative services such as private cloud hosting, and charging only for services you use with no sign-up or retainer fees for support services provided during regular business hours, Progent enables you to maximize the business value of your information system and minimize support costs. Progent recognizes that network security, dependability, and efficiency are just as important to small businesses as to large enterprises but that small organizations don't have the economy of scale to invest heavily in computer technology, large in-house support staffs, or super-sized IT outsourcing contracts. Progent's fundamental value proposition is that no IT consulting firm can match Progent's ability to deliver the network support services your business needs when you need them at prices you can afford.

Service Delivery Options Available for Small Businesses
Progent offers a variety of options for providing small businesses with cost-effective computer services for network troubleshooting, consulting, hosting, and IT management. Progent's model for delivering computer support services to small businesses is based on the familiar Help Desk paradigm. Progent's Help Desk support model ensures consistently fast response, thorough service documentation, reliable follow-up, and strict cost control across a range of IT service delivery modes that include onsite support, remote troubleshooting, high-end consulting, as well as application and network hosting.

Progent's Remote Support Services include:

Progent's On-site Support Services include:
Progent's Hosting Services include:
For details about these service options, refer to Support Delivery Options for Small Businesses.

Why Progent Makes Sense for Small Businesses
Progent's staff size, breadth and depth of technical expertise, and familiarity with enterprise IT support allow small businesses to avoid the pitfalls associated with excessive reliance on smaller service organizations, independent freelance consultants, or mass-market computer support firms.

Working with Progent allows your small business to:

  • Avoid Dependence on Individual Freelance Consultants
    For IT support, small businesses often rely excessively on freelance consultants. Although freelance consultants carry less overhead than full-service support organizations and can afford to charge nominally smaller fees, they are often stretched too thin to respond quickly to urgent situations. If an independent consultant is busy with another client, sick, on vacation, or in training, the lack of backup may force your business to wait for help during an emergency. As your small business grows, network downtime or problems with critical applications become more costly. The money you thought you were saving on a freelancer can be eaten up quickly by lost productivity. In addition, when freelance consultants encounter unfamiliar problems, their lack of a large engineering team to fall back on for advice forces them to learn on the job while you end up footing the bill for their ongoing education.

  • Have Access to Expertise in Complex IT Solutions
    Many small service organizations or freelance consultants who cater to small businesses may excel at providing a limited set of solutions but lack the experience and depth to deal cost-effectively with complex IT infrastructures with multiple platforms and technology vendors. Progent's experience with global companies can be valuable to your small business because enterprise environments are inherently complex, integration issues require in-depth knowledge in many technical areas, and achieving a high level of stability, reliability, and security requires enterprise-proven best practices.

  • Build a Solid Foundation for Seamless Growth
    Small businesses often start with an IT system implemented on a shoestring budget. Lacking a proper foundation, an accumulation of band-aid fixes often gets piled on top of a weak foundation. As a business grows, stability and scalability issues can hinder the success of the organization. Such environments need proper assessment, intelligent strategic planning, and broad-based expertise to upgrade cost-effectively to an IT infrastructure that will provide the solid basis to meet critical business needs and facilitate future growth.

  • Work with Solution Providers, Not Product Resellers
    Small businesses require guidance and education to navigate through an increasingly complex maze of technology options available for accelerating business growth and improving productivity. They do not need an IT consultant or firm who is trying to sell them a product. Progent avoids conflicts of interest by selling only services, not hardware and software products. This allows Progent to align technical expertise with the best interests of clients. IT consulting combined with product selling can lead to a situation where the proposed solution may not be the optimal one because it is built around a predetermined technology rather than being based on the genuine needs of a small business.

  • Have the Freedom to Change Your IT Support Provider
    Busy freelance consultants are often inclined or forced to skimp on service documentation, making it difficult for clients to transfer IT support to a new service provider or to take over support responsibilities internally. Progent's comprehensive service documentation and commitment to knowledge transfer makes it easier for clients to move support to a different Progent engineer or to a new IT service firm. For application or data center hosting, Progent's approach stands out from conventional hosting models by having the client retain ownership of software licenses. This makes it dramatically faster and easier for customers to change hosting services or to manage applications in their own data centers.
Special Benefits of Working with Progent
As a Microsoft Certified Partner and a Microsoft Small Business Specialist, Progent is an acknowledged expert at the fundamental system software and office productivity applications used by most small and medium-size companies. With one of the largest groups of CCIE accredited network infrastructure consultants in the country, Progent also offers expertise for an increasingly complex array of network technologies including Cisco PIX and ASA firewalls, Catalyst and Meraki switches, routers, VoIP options, and Aironet or Linksys wireless access points. Furthermore, Progent's CISSP-certified cybersecurity experts, CISM-certified security management professionals, CISA-authorized security audit specialists and GIAC-authorized information assurance professionals offer a company-wide view of network security.
  • Value Pricing
    Progent's pricing policy is to charge for remote support and on-premises help by the minute. Consequently, you are charged only for services that are actually delivered. Progent does not ask a higher rate for emergency support, and does not charge for travel time except for emergency support where on-site work is less than four hours. In addition, Progent applies no sign-up fee and requires no monthly commitment or retainer for support services provided during regular business hours. Many support firms demand substantial minimum payments or charge in increments of a quarter hour or longer. This can result in customers essentially having to pay for nothing. Progent's small billing granularity does away with giant invoices for fast solutions so you will be less tempted to allow less critical problems to fester until they become big problems. Learn more about Progent's value pricing for IT outsourcing.

  • Best Practices
    Progent's team of Microsoft and Cisco qualified experts average more than a decade of real-world industry background, in the trenches of network support, executing a wide variety of IT projects for a broad mix of customers. Every Progent support professional shares a proven set of personal best practices which are combined into company-wide best practices standards that Progent teaches its support team. This means that you get not just IT expertise, but also a consultant with proven approaches for applying technical knowledge to resolve network issues efficiently. Learn more about Progent's best practices for network consulting.

  • Full Documentation of IT Services
    Progent has developed a comprehensive service reporting system that records and formats detailed documentation for all delivered services. Unlike some independent consultants or local service firms who provide scant documentation or details of services done, every service provided by Progent is extensively and usefully documented. Each Progent staff member has access to the service reports provided by every consultant to every client. The practice of detailing and archiving service activity results in more effective service and eliminates a variety of common problems such as when a support customer is virtually held hostage to a consultant who refuses to release vital service information. Learn more about Progent's documentation of IT outsourcing services.

  • Knowledge Transfer
    Progent is committed to information transfer from Progent's support experts to Progent's customers. By teaching customers to handle problems that are within their scope, Progent can focus on providing high-value skills where Progent has few competitors. Small businesses who utilize familiar independent service providers or who maintain internal support personnel benefit when Progent passes on knowledge about new technology and proven methodologies to make their IT environments more robust, secure, and efficient. Learn more about Progent's knowledge transfer services.
Support Services of Special Interest to Small Businesses
  • Microsoft 365 Integration and Support Services
    Microsoft 365 (previously branded Office 365) is Microsoft's extensive family of productivity programs and cloud-hosted services available on a subscription basis. Microsoft 365 apps and cloud-based services are offered in a variety of subscription plans targeted at customers from individuals and home offices to enterprises. Progent can provide quick and easy remote access to consultants with in-depth knowledge of Microsoft, macOS, Apple iOS, and Android technology. Progent can help your business to evaluate the many subscription plans available with Microsoft 365 and integrate your network with Microsoft 365 so you realize maximum business value. Progent supports multi-platform networks that incorporate Windows, macOS or OS X, and Linux software. Progent can also assist your business to build and manage hybrid networks that seamlessly combine on-premises and cloud resources. Find out more about Progent's Microsoft 365 integration and support services.

  • Desktop Support Services
    Progent's desktop support consultants can help you to set up individual workstations, notebooks, tablets, and smart phones or provide your business with Windows 11 migration expertise, Windows 10 integration services, Windows 8.1 maintenance, or Windows 7 support. Progent's Windows specialists can configure programs from the Microsoft Office suite or from Microsoft Dynamics business accounting and management analytics applications on your client PCs so they integrate efficiently with all Microsoft products, software from other popular publishers, SQL databases, and specialized line-of-business programs. For example, Progent can configure Outlook email client on a desktop or notebook to support both the workflow of your employee and the security requirements of your business. Progent can in addition provide remote and on-site troubleshooting services for workstations.

  • Hybrid Cloud Solutions
    Progent can help you integrate your small business network with leading public clouds including Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Progent can help you create and manage hybrid cloud solutions that incorporate Windows and Linux servers and applications in hybrid network models that combine on-premises and cloud-based resources. Progent's cloud integration services include Microsoft 365 integration with on-premises Exchange, Microsoft Azure planning and deployment, Amazon AWS migration and support, Amazon Web Marketing Service (WMS) development and debugging, and Google Cloud integration consulting. Progent has years of experience providing online consulting support and network architecture expertise and can help you complete your cloud integration projects and resolve your troubleshooting issues quickly and affordably.

  • Work-from-Home (WFH) Expertise
    Enlarging your at-home workforce can have a profound effect on network infrastructure, security, and corporate workflows. Progent has two decades of experience assisting small and mid-size businesses to plan, deploy, manage, tune, and debug IT environments that incorporate at-home workers. Progent can assist your company to pick the appropriate tools and adhere to leading practices in building and maintaining for your telecommuters a secure virtual office solution that facilitates teamwork and maximizes the business value of your IT network. To learn about Progent's work-at-home support services, visit Work-from-Home (WFH) Solutions Experts.

  • Ransomware 24x7 Hot Line
    Progent's Ransomware 24x7 Hot Line is designed to help you perform the crucial first steps in responding to a ransomware attack by preventing further spread of the viral payload. Progent's online ransomware expert can help you identify and isolate infected devices and protect clean resources from being compromised. If your network has been breached by any version of ransomware, do not panic. Get immediate help by calling Progent's Ransomware Hot Line at 800-462-8800. For more information, see Progent's Ransomware 24x7 Hot Line.

  • Ransomware Recovery Services
    Progent offers the expertise of a veteran team of ransomware removal and business recovery consultants with the knowledge and background to defend your network against ransomware assaults and rebuild your system after a crypto-ransomware breach. Progent's group of certified cybersecurity professionals possess the wide range of skills needed to restore the functionality of a compromised network efficiently while delivering additional services such as settlement negotiations and forensics. For additional information, visit Progent's Ransomware Defense and Recovery Consultants.

  • Endpoint Protection and Response (EDR) Powered by SentinelOne
    SentinelOne's Singularity product line is a subscription-based, cloud-centered cyberthreat management stack that includes AI algorithms and advanced services to deliver a true EDR (End Point Protection) or MDR (Managed Detection and Response) solution. Most cyber insurance carriers require EDR or MDR protection in place before they will provide coverage against a ransom attack. SentinelOne's compact software agents can be loaded in a few minutes to defend popular endpoints against increasingly sophisticated threats including ransomware, known and zero-day malware, trojans, hacking toolkits, memory exploits, script misuse, invasive macros, and living-off-the-land abuse. Progent is a certified SentinelOne Partner and dealer and oversees thousands of endpoints protected by SentinelOne technology. SentinelOne is invariably the initial incident response software activated by Progent to gain control and visibility of a customer's system in the first stages of a ransomware recovery. For more information, see Progent's SentinelOne-based Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions.

  • Microsoft Teams Planning, Deployment and Troubleshooting
    Microsoft Teams runs on top of Office/Microsoft 365 and integrates with third-party cloud services to deliver real-time collaboration and communication. Designed as a replacement for Skype for Business Online, Microsoft Teams can support chat, audio/video meetings with screen sharing, calling, cloud voicemail, group email, plus file and app sharing. Teams is tightly integrated with Office/Microsoft 365 and depends on Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, and Azure Entra (formerly branded Azure Active Directory) for delivering its full feature set. Progent's Teams consultants can provide remote and onsite expertise to help organizations of any size to assess the business benefits of Teams and Teams Premium, plan and implement an efficient migration to Teams from Skype for Business, and tune or troubleshoot your Teams deployment. For details, see Progent's Microsoft Teams and Teams Premium planning and integration experts.

  • Modern Backup Solutions to Help Small Businesses Recover from Ransom Attacks
    Small businesses sometimes think their size makes them unlikely targets for ransomware. In fact, more than one third of successful ransom attacks are launched against small companies, and more than half the victims pay the ransom. Smaller organizations commonly assume that having a firewall, antivirus, and simple backups are sufficient to protect their vital business data. In reality, systems with this bare-bones protection are often massively compromised before management is even aware that hackers are lurking in the environment. By the time IT management recognizes the threat, they find their backup systems are already encrypted. To compound the problem, the backups may never have been fully tested and turn out, even before the ransom attack, to be unusable for a complete system restore. Many companies coming under a ransom attack end up paying $50,000-$200,000 so they can recover their network functionality and get their business back up and running. Progent offers a comprehensive set of modern backup services that facilitate recovery from ransom attacks. For details, see Progent's Hyper-V and VMware Backup/Recovery solutions based on Altaro VM Backup with immutable cloud storage.

  • Support for Horizon3.ai's NodeZero Penetration Testing Solutions
    NodeZero from Horizon3.ai is a cutting-edge penetration test (pentest) product family that supports continuous, simultaneous, automated assessment of your network to help you find, prioritize, fix, and verify security weaknesses before threat actors can exploit them. Progent's can provide the expertise of a NodeZero Certified Operator (NCO) to help you use NodeZero to run comprehensive penetration tests of your network perimeter and your internal IT infrastructure in order to determine your current security profile. Progent can also assist you to harden your network security by planning and deploying a unified cybersecurity ecosystem that simplifies management and delivers optimum protection for on-premises, cloud-based, and perimeter IT resources. To learn more about Progent's vulnerability assessment services based on NodeZero's PEN test platform, refer to Consulting Support for NodeZero's Pentest Platform.

  • Penetration Testing Services
    Penetration testing, also called pentesting, is an important way for businesses to assess the vulnerability of their IT network to various threats by testing how well corporate security processes and technologies withstand announced or unannounced intrusion attempts launched by veteran security specialists using advanced hacking methods. Get additional information about Progent's Penetration Intrusion Testing Services.

  • ProSight Duo Multi-Factor Authentication
    Progent's Duo MFA managed services utilize Cisco's Duo technology to defend against stolen passwords by using two-factor authentication. Duo enables one-tap identity confirmation on iOS, Google Android, and other personal devices. With Duo 2FA, when you log into a secured online account and give your password you are requested to verify your identity via a device that only you have and that uses a different network channel. A broad range of devices can be used as this added means of ID validation such as an iPhone or Android or watch, a hardware/software token, a landline phone, etc. You may designate multiple verification devices. For more information about ProSight Duo identity authentication services, visit Progent's Duo Multi-Factor Authentication Experts.

  • Software and Firmware Update Management
    Patch management includes applying software or firmware updates to operating systems and applications, servers and endpoints, peripherals, network appliances, and Internet-of-Things devices. Properly executed patch management optimizes security, compliance, availability, and functionality. Sloppy patch management can cause security gaps, compatibility problems, erratic performance, unnecessary downtime, or loss of features. Progent's managed services for patch management provide businesses of any size an affordable end-to-end solution for identifying, acquiring, evaluating, testing, prioritizing, scheduling, applying, and documenting software and firmware updates to your ever-evolving IT network. In addition to optimizing the security and functionality of your IT network, Progent's patch management services free up time for your IT staff to focus on strategic projects and tasks that deliver maximum business value to your network. Find out more about Progent's Progent's Patch Management Solutions.

  • Transparent Support for IT Service Providers
    Progent's deep roster of network engineers, PC integration and troubleshooting experts, IT administrators, managed service providers, and data security professionals often work as seamless extensions of small or narrowly specialized IT service organizations. This can help grow your revenue, elevate and protect your company's brand, and broaden the scope of customer engagements you can accept. Find out about Progent's white-label expertise for IT support firms.

  • Fast and Affordable .NET Application Development
    Progent's software development consultants can help you to derive the full benefits of Microsoft's .NET ecosystem by building custom applications quickly and affordably. Applications created by Progent are easy to manage and extend and can be designed as stand-alone solutions or as enhancements to existing apps. Find out about Progent's rapid and low-cost .NET application development services.

  • Windows Server Essentials
    Windows Server Essentials, which replaces Windows Small Business Server Essentials, is a value-priced, entry-level server for organizations with up to 25 users and 50 devices. Windows Server Essentials is intended to be installed locally and is capable of hosting in-house servers and applications, but can also connect seamlessly with Microsoft Azure cloud-based applications and services such as Microsoft 365, Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Azure Backup, which are available on a subscription basis. Progent's Windows Server Essentials consultants can help you set up an affordable hybrid cloud solution based on Windows Server Essentials that protects your sensitive data stored on premises and supports your specialized applications running locally, while at the same time offering easy access to cloud-based resources.

  • Security Inventory Scanning Packages
    Progent has put together two low-cost network security scanning packages designed to enable small companies to obtain a professional network security assessment from a CISM and CISSP-qualified security consultant. With Progent's External Security Inventory Scanning Package, a security expert runs an extensive examination of your IT infrastructure from beyond your company firewall to determine potential weaknesses in the security posture you present to the public. With Progent's Internal Security Inventory Scanning Package, a certified security professional executes a system scan from a secure computer inside your firewall to assess the risk to inside assaults. Both security inventory services are set up and run from a secured remote location. The project is implemented by a consultant who has earned high-level security credentials and who produces a document that summarizes and interprets the data collected by the scan and suggests cost-effective improvements where appropriate.

  • Virtual Webinar Training for Desktop Applications
    Progent provides online webinar training for popular desktop applications and operating systems including Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Visio, Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Crystal Reports, Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7. Webinar-based education provides all the advantages of conventional classroom seminars, including instant communication between students and teachers, but avoids the costs of transportation and the hassle of attempting to synchronize the availability of many workers. Offered to individuals or classes of any size, live online training allows the trainer to conduct the seminar from a remote site while the clients can be dispersed throughout an office or all over the country. Progent's webinar instructors utilize proven teaching tools such as broadcast white boards, electronic hand-raising, and desktop screen sharing. Classes can be brief and targeted to specific topics or extended in time and broad in scope. Instructors and students can work through problems one-on-one or as a group. Teachers are available for after-seminar clarification through email.

  • Consulting Help for Migrating to 64-bit Computing
    64-bit computing offers unprecedented performance, capacity, and system stability. Virtually all popular business applications and operating systems are now available in 64-bit versions for the same price as their 32-bit equivalents. Almost all server, workstation, and laptop computers shipped within the last few years have 64-bit capability. Still, most small businesses have not made the move to 64-bits. Part of the reason for this is that major technical obstacles can make it difficult to migrate from 32-bit solutions. Operating systems and applications have to be re-installed from scratch, and 64-bit drivers have to be found and tested. Overcoming these obstacles efficiently can be tricky, especially if you are doing it for the first time. Progent's 64-bit migration consultants have the experience to help small businesses save time and money and avoid business disruption during their move to 64-bit computing.
Progent's Flat-rate Managed Services for Information Assurance
Progent's ProSight suite of managed services are designed to provide small and mid-size businesses with enterprise-class support and cutting-edge technology for all aspects of network management and information assurance. Managed services offered by Progent at a low, flat monthly rate include:
  • ProSight Email Guard: Inbound and Outbound Spam Filtering, Data Leakage Protection and Email Encryption
    ProSight Email Guard is Progent's email security solution that incorporates the services and infrastructure of top data security companies to provide centralized control and world-class protection for your inbound and outbound email. The hybrid architecture of Email Guard combines cloud-based filtering with a local security gateway device to offer complete defense against spam, viruses, Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks, Directory Harvest Attacks (DHAs), and other email-borne malware. The Cloud Protection Layer acts as a preliminary barricade and blocks the vast majority of threats from reaching your network firewall. This reduces your vulnerability to inbound threats and conserves system bandwidth and storage space. Email Guard's on-premises security gateway appliance adds a further layer of inspection for inbound email. For outgoing email, the local gateway provides anti-virus and anti-spam protection, protection against data leaks, and email encryption. The onsite gateway can also assist Microsoft Exchange Server to track and protect internal email traffic that originates and ends inside your corporate firewall. Find out more about Progent's Email Guardspam filtering, virus blocking, content filtering and data leakage protection.

  • ProSight Active Security Monitoring: Endpoint Protection and Ransomware Defense
    Progent's ProSight Active Security Monitoring is an endpoint protection (EPP) service that utilizes cutting edge behavior-based machine learning tools from SentinelOne to defend endpoints and physical and virtual servers against new malware attacks like ransomware and email phishing, which easily escape legacy signature-based AV products. ProSight ASM safeguards on-premises and cloud resources and provides a single platform to automate the entire malware attack progression including blocking, detection, mitigation, cleanup, and post-attack forensics. Key features include one-click rollback with Windows VSS and real-time network-wide immunization against new attacks. Progent is a SentinelOne Partner, reseller, and integrator. Read more about Progent's ProSight Active Security Monitoringendpoint protection and ransomware defense.

  • ProSight Enhanced Security Protection (ESP): Physical and Virtual Endpoint Protection and Microsoft Exchange Filtering
    ProSight Enhanced Security Protection managed services deliver ultra-affordable in-depth security for physical and virtual servers, desktops, mobile devices, and Exchange Server. ProSight ESP uses adaptive security and advanced machine learning for continuously monitoring and responding to security threats from all vectors. ProSight ESP offers firewall protection, penetration alerts, endpoint management, and web filtering through cutting-edge technologies incorporated within a single agent accessible from a single control. Progent's security and virtualization experts can assist you to plan and implement a ProSight ESP deployment that addresses your organization's specific requirements and that allows you achieve and demonstrate compliance with government and industry data security regulations. Progent will help you define and configure security policies that ProSight ESP will enforce, and Progent will monitor your network and react to alarms that require immediate attention. Progent's consultants can also assist you to set up and test a backup and disaster recovery solution such as ProSight Data Protection Services so you can get back in business quickly from a potentially disastrous cyber attack like ransomware. Read more about Progent's ProSight Enhanced Security Protection (ESP)unified physical and virtual endpoint security and Microsoft Exchange filtering.

  • ProSight Data Protection Services: Managed Backup and Recovery
    Progent has partnered with leading backup product vendors to produce ProSight Data Protection Services (DPS), a portfolio of offerings that deliver backup-as-a-service. All ProSight DPS products automate and monitor your data backup operations and allow non-disruptive backup and fast recovery of vital files, applications, images, plus VMs. ProSight DPS helps your business avoid data loss resulting from hardware breakdown, natural calamities, fire, cyber attacks like ransomware, human mistakes, malicious insiders, or software bugs. Managed services available in the ProSight DPS selection include ProSight Altaro VM Backup with Immutable Cloud Storage, ProSight 365 Total Backup, ProSight DPS ECHO Backup using Barracuda dedicated hardware, and ProSight MSP360 Hybrid Backup. Your Progent expert can assist you to identify which of these fully managed backup services are best suited for your network.

  • ProSight WAN Watch: Network Infrastructure Remote Monitoring and Management
    ProSight WAN Watch is an infrastructure monitoring and management service that makes it easy and inexpensive for smaller organizations to diagram, monitor, reconfigure and troubleshoot their network hardware like routers and switches, firewalls, and wireless controllers as well as servers, printers, endpoints and other devices. Incorporating cutting-edge RMM technology, WAN Watch makes sure that network diagrams are kept updated, captures and manages the configuration information of virtually all devices connected to your network, monitors performance, and generates notices when potential issues are detected. By automating time-consuming network management activities, ProSight WAN Watch can cut hours off ordinary tasks such as network mapping, expanding your network, finding devices that need critical software patches, or identifying the cause of performance problems. Learn more about ProSight WAN Watch network infrastructure remote monitoring and management.

  • ProSight LAN Watch: Server and Desktop Remote Monitoring and Management
    ProSight LAN Watch is Progent's server and desktop and management subscription service that uses advanced remote monitoring and management technology to help keep your IT system running at peak levels by checking the state of vital computers that drive your business network. When ProSight LAN Watch uncovers a problem, an alert is sent immediately to your specified IT management staff and your Progent consultant so any looming problems can be resolved before they can disrupt your network. Learn more about ProSight LAN Watch server and desktop automated management services.

  • ProSight Virtual Hosting: Private Cloud VM Hosting Services at a World-class Datacenter:
    With Progent's ProSight Virtual Hosting service, a small business can have its servers and critical applications hosted in a secure and fault tolerant data center on a fast, non-stop virtual host configured and maintained by Progent's network support experts. Under Progent's ProSight Virtual Hosting model, the customer owns the data, the operating system platforms, and the software applications. Because the environment is virtualized, it can be moved immediately to a different hardware environment without lengthy and risky reinstallation and configuration. With ProSight Virtual Hosting, you are not locked into a single hosting service. For more information about ProSight Virtual Hosting services, see ProSight Virtual Hosting Services.

  • ProSight IT Asset Management: Network Documentation and Password Management
    ProSight IT Asset Management service is an IT infrastructure documentation management service that makes it easy to capture, maintain, retrieve and safeguard information related to your IT infrastructure, processes, applications, and services. You can instantly locate passwords, IP addresses or serial numbers and be alerted automatically about impending expirations of SSLs, domains or warranties. By cleaning up and managing your network documentation, you can eliminate as much as half of time wasted looking for vital information about your network. ProSight IT Asset Management features a common location for holding and collaborating on all documents related to managing your business network such as standard operating procedures and How-To's. ProSight IT Asset Management also offers a high level of automation for gathering and associating IT information. An advanced password management tool features an enterprise-class password vault and administration platform, password policy enforcement, easy access for authorized users, and immutable usage tracking. Whether you're planning improvements, doing regular maintenance, or reacting to an emergency, ProSight IT Asset Management delivers the knowledge you need the instant you need it. Learn more about Progent's ProSight IT Asset Management service.
ProSight Network Audits
Progent's ProSight Network Audits offer a fast and affordable way for small and mid-size organizations to get an objective evaluation of the overall health of their IT system. Powered by a selection of the leading remote monitoring and management platforms available, and supervised by Progent's certified group of IT experts, ProSight Network Audits show you how closely the configuration of your core network devices conform to industry leading practices. Both the Basic and Advanced versions of ProSight Network Audit services are offered at a budget-friendly, one-time cost and provide instant benefits such as a cleaner Active Directory (AD) environment. Both versions also include one year of advanced remote network monitoring and management (RMM). Advantages can include easier network management, better compliance with information security requirements, higher utilization of IT resources, faster troubleshooting, more reliable backup and recovery, and increased uptime. Learn more information about ProSight Network Audits IT infrastructure review.

Network Support Outsourcing Packages Based on Microsoft System Center Operations Manager
As a result of years of experience supporting small business computer networks, Progent has developed a variety of IT Outsourcing and Network Monitoring Packages designed to provide an affordable way for small businesses to manage networks so as to maximize uptime, performance, and security. Progent's IT Outsourcing and Network Monitoring Packages are based on the proactive problem solving capabilities of Microsoft System Center Operations Manager, a next-generation network management software platform that scans activity logs in order to monitor network health and detect problems at an early stage before they can disrupt your productivity.

Progent's IT Outsourcing and Network Monitoring Packages also feature network assessment, security audits, Help Desk Call Center support, and the establishment of safe remote connections between your network and Progent's support experts. Learn more about Progent's IT Outsourcing and Network Monitoring Packages for cost-effective IT support outsourcing.

For additional information about Progent's network support outsourcing, see Progent's IT Support Outsourcing and Network Monitoring Datasheets, downloadable in Acrobat format for convenient printing.

For an overview of how Progent's IT outsourcing and co-sourcing services can benefit businesses of any size, see Progent's IT Outsourcing white paper.

To see how Operations Manager helped a company achieve enterprise-class system management, refer to Microsoft Operations Manager Case Study.

Contact Progent for Help with Your Small Business Network
If you are looking for technical help for your small business network, call 1-800-993-9400 or visit Contact Progent.