Expanding your at-home or hybrid pool of workers can have a major effect on IT infrastructure, cybersecurity, and your business culture. Progent has 20 years of background helping small and medium-size businesses to design, implement, optimize, administer, and troubleshoot network environments that incorporate an offsite workforce. Progent can assist your company to determine the appropriate technologies and adhere to best practices in building and maintaining a safe virtualized ecosystem that facilitates collaboration and gives top business value.
Progent can provide remote services that range from as-needed support for guiding you through sporadic technical bottlenecks to comprehensive project management or co-management for successfully completing mission-critical initiatives.
Security for Teleworkers
Work-from-Home (WFH) workers commonly utilize their personal devices and often operate in a poorly secured physical area. This situation multiplies their vulnerability to cyber attacks and requires judicious deployment of firewalls, AV tools, MFA-based identity verification, remote monitoring, extensive end-user education, and the development of policies based on best practices. Progent's veteran team of IT security solutions consultants can assist you to design, deploy and maintain an effective cybersecurity solution that protects critical IT assets in networks that include telecommuters.
Firewalls enable companies to build a network that can be safely accessed by local users as well as by at-home workers, mobile employees, vendors, customers, and other stakeholders. Modern firewall appliances permit you to assign and manage different permissions to various classes of users and to expand your IT network and modify your security profile as your company evolves and as cyber threats grow increasingly sophisticated. Progent supports both new and legacy firewall devices from all leading manufacturers like Cisco, Palo Alto Networks, WatchGuard, Juniper, and Fortinet. To find out more about Progent's firewall support services, go to firewall support services.
Online Endpoint Monitoring makes it easy to watch over the disparate devices used by telecommuters and either reject or identify and mitigate modern threats like ransomware. With ProSight Active Security Monitoring services, a lightweight software agent is installed on each secured endpoint device, monitoring all activity and using advanced machine learning and full execution context from SentinelOne to detect new threats at inception. When an attack is spotted, ProSight Active Security Monitoring instantly isolates the infected device from the network to quarantine the threat. Because the ProSight ASM agent is autonomous, endpoint devices remain secure even when they are offline. Progent is a SentinelOne Partner, dealer, and integrator. For details about ProSight ASM, visit remote endpoint security monitoring for telecommuters.
Progent's Duo MFA Service Plans incorporate Cisco's Duo technology to defend against password theft by using two-factor authentication (2FA). Duo supports one-tap identity verification with Apple iOS, Android, and other out-of-band devices. Using 2FA, when you sign into a secured application and give your password you are asked to confirm who you are on a device that only you possess and that is accessed using a different ("out-of-band") network channel. A wide range of out-of-band devices can be utilized as this second form of authentication such as a smartphone or wearable, a hardware token, a landline telephone, etc. You may register several verification devices. For more information about ProSight Duo two-factor identity validation services, go to Cisco Duo MFA two-factor authentication services for remote workers.
Security Audits can assess the exposure of your information system to all types of outside and internal security attacks for a network that includes remote workers. Progent can deploy remote, automated cybersecurity inventory scanning for quickly and economically detecting a wide variety of security gaps that can be surfaced over the Internet. Progent's endpoint security assessment experts, which can be managed by data security experts with advanced certifications such as CISA, ISSAP, and GIAC, can assist your business to audit your procedures and policies and review your WAN infrastructure to allow you to implement the highest level of security for your at-home workers.
Horizon3.ai's NodeZero Penetration Testing Platform is a cutting-edge penetration test (pentest) product family that supports automated testing of your at-home environment and your internal and perimeter networks so you can identify, rank, remediate, and verify cybersecurity vulnerabilities before threat actors can exploit them. Progent can assist you to deploy NodeZero to carry out thorough penetration tests of your perimeter and your internal IT infrastructure in order to evaluate your present security profile. Progent's NodeZero experts can also help you to strengthen your network security and can help you to design and deploy a unified cybersecurity strategy that streamlines management and provides maximum cyber defense for on-prem, cloud-based, at-home, and perimeter IT resources. To learn more details about Progent's vulnerability analysis services based on on NodeZero's PEN test products, see Consulting Services for NodeZero's Penetration Test Products.
Download White Paper: Protecting a Work-From-Home (WFH) Network
To read or download a white paper about critical areas to concentrate on for protecting a network that includes telecommuters, click:
Protecting a Work-From-Home Network White Paper. (PDF - 2.4 MB)
Contact Progent for Telecommuter Support Services
To get in touch with Progent about creating and maintaining a productive work-from-home environment, phone
Ransomware 24x7 Hot Line: Call 800-462-8800
Progent's Ransomware 24x7 Hot Line is designed to help you to take the time-critical first step in responding to a ransomware attack by containing the malware. Progent's online ransomware engineer can help businesses to identify and isolate infected devices and protect clean resources from being compromised. If your network has been penetrated by any strain of ransomware, don't panic. Get help quickly by calling Progent's Ransomware Hot Line at 800-462-8800. For details, see Progent's Ransomware 24x7 Hot Line.