Additional Topics of Interest

Expert Microsoft Certified Internet Security and Acceleration Server Consultants
ISA 2004 Server On-site Technical Support

Progent's Microsoft certified consultants offer small and medium sized companies expertise for Microsoft Forefront TMG and ISA Servers. Microsoft's Forefront Threat Management Gateway and Internet Security and Acceleration Servers include an advanced application-layer aware firewall that can secure your business system from attack by outside and internal threats. Forefront TMG and ISA Server provide deep examination of Internet protocols such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which enables these security platforms to detect many threats that can elude traditional firewalls. The integrated firewall and VPN architecture of Forefront TMG and ISA Server support stateful filtering and monitoring of all VPN streams. ISA Servers are the mainstay of Microsoft's network security strategy, and Progent's Microsoft-certified experts and CISSP, CISA and CISM certified security consultants can help you strengthen your network security through experienced design and integration of Forefront TMG and ISA Servers. Progent's Microsoft consultants can assist your company to install Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010, manage and troubleshoot any version of ISA Server, or migrate from ISA Server environments to Microsoft Forefront TMG.

Apple Mac Directory Harvest Attack Defense Network Security Auditing
Mac Penetration Testing Consultants

Progent's certified security staff can help you secure your Apple Mac network through expert support offerings such as running security tests, recovery from virus and denial of service penetrations, setting up firewalls, implementing safe remote and mobile access, deploying automated software for protection against viruses, spam, and malware, and developing a comprehensive security strategy appropriate for the particular objectives of your corporate network.

Microsoft Teams hybrid Technology Professional
Teams Consultant Services

Progent can help you to design a migration to Microsoft Teams from Skype for Business and install, administer, and troubleshoot a cloud-based or hybrid implementation of Microsoft Teams. Progent can assist you to integrate Teams with Office and Microsoft 365 apps, Exchange, SharePoint, and your phone system.

Altaro VM Backup Encryption Specialists
Altaro VM Backup Encryption Online Help

Altaro VM Backup software from Hornetsecurity provides small businesses a dependable and affordable solution for backing up and recovering Microsoft Hyper-V and VMware-powered virtual machines. Altaro VM Backup can be used for on-premises, remote, distributed, and cloud environments and also supports cost-effective cloud backup to Azure Block Blob storage. Altaro VM Backup defends against ransomware attacks via Immutable Cloud Storage. This creates tamper-proof data that cannot be erased or modified by any user including root users. Progent is a certified Hornetsecurity/Altaro partner and offers a broad range of remote or onsite services to help you to plan, deploy, optimize and troubleshoot a comprehensive backup/restore solution based on Altaro VM Backup software. With ProSight DPS Altaro VM Backup, Progent delivers a managed backup/recovery service based on Altaro VM Backup technology.

Juniper SA Series SSL VPN Security Consultant
Juniper SA700 SSL VPN Network Security Testing

SSL VPN makes it possible to establish a secure Internet connection between an enterprise network and virtually any remote computer without the need for pre-installed client software. Progent's Juniper-certified consultants can help you design, manage, and troubleshoot SSL VPN solutions based on Juniper's AS Series of remote access appliances.

Microsoft Certified Expert Power BI Pro Programming Firms
Power BI Pro Contract Development

Progent's Power BI consultants can help your business to plan, deploy, maintain, update or troubleshoot your Power BI business analytics solution. Progent's database experts can help you to prep your source data for Power BI visualizations. Progent can assist you implement and manage an on-premises, cloud based, or hybrid architecture for Power BI.

24x7 Branch Offices Troubleshooting
Technology Consulting Services Branch Location

Years of background delivering Microsoft expertise and Cisco network consulting has allowed Progent to develop a unique capability for supporting branch offices that need network service with the responsiveness common to with small firms but which offers effective communications, complete documentation, and adherence to enterprise IT standards. If your corporation has a sales office located anywhere in California or any area covered by Progent's consultants, Progent can provide a wide array of onsite and remote IT consulting services and network architecture assistance.

Solaris Security Auditor
Solaris Security Auditor

If your business operates a Solaris environment or a multi-OS network, Progent's CISM and CISSP-certified consultants can assist your whole organization in a wide array of security topics such as security management practices, security architecture and models, connection management systems and methodology, applications development security, business processes security, physical security, communications, network and Internet security, and disaster recovery preparedness. CISM and CISSP define the fundamental skills and international standards of performance that network security professionals are expected to master. These certification give executive management the confidence that consultants who have achieved their CISM, CISSP or ISSAP qualification have demonstrated the experience and knowledge to offer effective security support and engineering help.

CCIE Expert Certified IM and Presence Service Configuration
Expressway Computer Engineer

Cisco Cisco Unified Communications Manager, originally known as CallManager, is the center of Cisco's communications and collaboration platform. Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unified CM Express provide a location-independent IP-PBX by integrating with unified messaging apps like Cisco Unified CM IM and Presence Service, Unity Express for voicemail, Cisco Unified Mobility for Single Number Reach, and Cisco Contact Center Express (Unified CCX or CCX) for creating a highly automated customer contact center. Progent's CCIE-certified network consultants offer efficient and budget-friendly remote and on-premises expertise to assist organizations of all sizes to create and administer CUCM ecosystems by providing Cisco Unified Communications Manager configuration and technical support services that deliver maximum business value. Progent's consultants can assist with any facet of Unified CM setup and troubleshooting in areas such as integrating Voice over IP phones and desktop Video phones, reviewing dial plans, configuring SIP connections and PSTN calling, installing Cisco ISR routers with CUBE VoIP networking support, designing Cisco UCS server failover systems for survivability, capacity planning, and integration with Exchange Server and Skype for Business.

Biggest System Center 2016 Disaster Recovery IT Consultants
System Center 2016 Troubleshooting

Small to middle size companies can now enjoy all the advantages of System Center Operations Manager and also have quick access to Progent's Microsoft Certified IT consulting professionals. With Progent's affordably priced network service packages, small organizations can select a simple Operations Manager 2007-based co-sourcing service program with network monitoring, reporting, Help Desk and remote service or a comprehensive 24x7 outsourcing solution. Progent supports System Center Operations Manager to offer small business networks enterprise-class reliability, security, and performance.